I want to welcome you!

I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Sigrid. I'm an experienced executive and an MBA, a speaker, a facilitator, a teacher and a mentor. I'm also an artist, and a yoga and meditation teacher, and I believe in creating a wonderfully joy-filled and productive life.

I'll work with you to bring out your best in every challenge and every project. I also believe in the possibilities that lay in every day, in every unfinished work, in every aborted article or blog post or book, in broken furniture and in broken dreams. I believe we can, if we actually want to, revisit unrealized dreams and make something of them. I also believe that those dreams may no longer fit us, once we allow ourselves to try them on.

I truly believe that we live in choice. I believe in getting our hands dirty (both figuratively and literally). I love to play in the dirt. I believe that we get to make our own rules about what our lives will look like and that we can craft a life we loveā€¦ And I believe that our lives can be complicated, and painful and difficult and that it can take lots and lots of coffee and a group of supportive, loving friends to get through some days, while other days we can pull an entire team forward.

I am a strong believer in intentional daily practices that include (for me), yoga and exercise, getting outside, painting every day, writing every day (and coffee every day).

I spent many satisfying years building a career in the not-for-profit sector and public service, having acquired a Bachelor's degree in exercise science and a Master's in Business Administration, always within the broader health field. That work, at that time, was the perfect work for me to be doing. But after almost 20 years in various levels of management, I needed a change - along with the rewards, I had experienced depression and anxiety, and felt that it was time to do something new, something joyous for me at THIS time. So I wrapped up my executive job, took training and developed new experience in speaking, teaching, leadership mentoring and art - to create a life that fits ME now!

One of my ongoing challenges is accepting that, for all of us, this life is always evolving. As my life changes, and as I change and grow, the life that fits me now may not fit me perfectly forever. And so a large part of my work is living and thriving within an environment of constant change.

Many days I'm still amazed that I have so completely changed my life. The transition was not easy, not simple and not fast. It included mourning what I had always thought the peak of my career would look like. It included taking paths that didn't end up feeling like I thought they would. It also included uncovering what gives me joy and including more of it in my life. So now, I feel blessed that every day includes opportunities to do what I love, to share what I love though workshops and coaching and mentoring others to uncover parts of themselves that they miss without knowing it, to rekindle the excitement of possibility in their lives. I do this knowing that as I walk with others down this path of reinvention, I continue to walk my own path of reevaluating and recreating.

I share this life with my fabulous husband (who puts up with and encourages my artistic messes and other tangents and tryouts) and two teenagers, as well as a dog named Bear. And I am so, so glad that you've joined me in at least part of my journey!